Memory Bradley Fiber Art for SaleMemory Bradley Fiber Art for Sale
Fiber Arts

Wool is meticulously transformed into 2D or 3D works of art.

Take Classes with Memory BradleyTake Classes with Memory Bradley
Mixed Media

Sculpted clay, fiber and other mediums come together.


Attend an in-person class and learn from me.

Create. Inspire. Memory Bradley Art.

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Who is Memory Bradley?

Throughout our relatively short human history, art has been a tool that we have used to communicate our complex feelings to those around us. In our bid to understand the world we live in, or, perhaps, to spark revolution, art is a flint that creates movement in our minds and our hearts.

As an artist, I let my own creative spark lead the way. So much of the world we see on the news and around us is complicated- hard to digest. I believe that the inspiration that lives in my heart is driven to remind the world of the joy, the positive road of living life, the beauty that is everywhere if we only take a moment to look up and around.

Memory Bradley Art Collage
Memory Bradley Art Collage

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